"It’s not too late to write down our personal story and have a real influence on the atmosphere — however we have to take motion now," writes editorial director Nekesa Mumbi Moody.

Discover The Hollywood Reporter’s Sustainability Challenge: Creating Hollywood’s Greener Future
The dire state of affairs relating to local weather change can result in inertia with regards to taking motion — that nothing we do can alter the cataclysmic destiny that headlines continuously warn about.
There’s the examine that claims we now have lower than a decade to forestall world warming from irreversibly damaging the Earth. Then there are different predictions of famine, water shortages and elevated world battle that can instantly end result from our failure to cut back our carbon footprint. Mixed with the glacial motion of worldwide leaders to formulate a unified plan to fight local weather change, it appears as if we’re resigned to our future — and positively no quantity of refillable water bottles will help us.
However a sense isn’t actuality, and in reality, there's nonetheless a key influence we as people could make to cut back local weather change, and much more once we act as a group. And segments of the leisure business are taking significant steps to assist rewrite the narrative on local weather change to provide us the constructive plot twists we’ve all been craving for.
In The Hollywood Reporter’s inaugural Sustainability Challenge, you’ll examine environmental initiatives launched by key studios, how celebrities are embracing (and benefiting from) the push to go inexperienced, how sustainability efforts vary from the private to the skilled, and extra. Launched digitally to cut back our personal carbon footprint, this version of THR is an extension of the reporting we’ve achieved on the atmosphere for years and debuts through the Environmental Media Affiliation’s annual Impression Summit on bettering the situations on our planet.
We're grateful for the partnership with EMA, with whom THR will host the June 2 Footage for the Planet program, and our continued relationship with Walmart, which is the presenting sponsor of this occasion and the digital challenge. It’s not too late to write down our personal story and have a real influence on the atmosphere — however we have to take motion now. THR’s Sustainability Challenge and the EMA summit present a roadmap to make it occur.