The squirrel - known as "Stripe" by fearful residents - has attacked a number of locals, leaving at least 18 injured, with many requiring tetanus shots from their wounds.
People have been left with cuts to their hands and heads, as well as bites to other parts of their bodies by the aggressive creature.
According to local media, the squirrel began attacking residents in their gardens with "frightening speed", leaving many "too afraid to leave" their home.
A number even said they had been "chased down the street" by the crazed critter.
The squirrel was finally caught on Monday, December 27, in a humane trap laid out by local Corrine Reynolds.
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Ms Reynolds said that she had been feeding the animal, with it making regular trips to her garden in search for food and shelter, according to reports.
Although even she was also bitten on the hand after attempting befriending the animal.
"He's not a friendly natured squirrel I am afraid, he is a rogue one and I am starting to wonder if he has got something going on inside his head like a tumour," said Ms Reynolds told SWNS.
The RSPCA has since confirmed that the squirrel has been humanely euthanised.